Collectible NFT | for luck, prosperity, good fortune, art and beauty
A blog about technology, art, philosophy and prosperity!

LucKois is a collection of 999 uniquely digitally created NFT. Each digital mutation consists of a pre-minted pool with two LucKoi living on the Polygon blockchain.
LucKois cannot be bought - they are gifted to persons propagating prosperity.
If you like bringing luck, prosperity, and good fortune to others then LucKois are for you! Holding a LucKoi mean you are worthy of these virtues and characteristics.
With 999 LucKois, fortune and joy are now at our - at your - reach! Be a part of this - spread good fortune whatever you do and wherever you go - you might receive a LucKoi!

Gifting all LucKois
LucKois cannot be bought - they are gifted to special people contributing to something good, important, nice... you name it - in short propagating prosperity!
Set-Up a wall of LucKois holder
Actual and future LucKois holders will be listed on this site - of course only if they wish.
Build a base of followers
No bots, no speculations - we are looking for true fans - people wanting to propagate luck and good fortune in the world!
Virtual Aquarium Lounge
Estimate feasibility of virtual lounge in the midst of an aquarium for your LucKois. At the moment some LucKois are exposed in our gallery.
Visit us here!


Out of 8 different layers with each layer containing 8 possible colors, mutations have randomly occured.
Out of these 16,777,216 possibilities, 111 mutations were selected and minted in pool 1. Based on the same principle 888 other LucKois will be minted in the future - see our Roadmap
Every LucKoi NFT is identified by a unique ID inside our own ERC 721 smart contract and the assets are immutably stored on IPFS.

The Creator
I am a digital scout for human and entrepreneurial prosperity. I lead people and institutions to realize their full potential by implementing digital solutions that fit their needs.
This project allows me to embrace my love for digitalization, art and the psychology of success by tapping into my core purpose - human prosperity!
I am Mirko Théodoloz - meet me on LinkedIn!

What is the sales price?There is no sales price - LucKois are gifted to special persons propagating prosperity.
How many pools will there be?There will be 9 pools with 111 LucKois in each one of them.
What is the minting date?Pool 1 is minted. Next pools will be minted once Pool 1 will have been gifted.
How many LucKois will there be?There will be 999 LucKois in total.
What is the maximum luck factor?Maximum is 2120 and there’s only one LucKoi that has a luck factor of 2120.
What is the luck factor?It is a factor of rareness. Each layer contains a certain probability, and the sum brings us the luck factor.